Announcing Aiden v0.0.2: Minimize Work-about-work with AI

Announcing Aiden v0.0.2: Minimize Work-about-work with AI

Jul 23, 2024

Team Aident


‘Work-about-work’ refers to all those pesky tasks that surround actual work, like unnecessary meetings, endless status updates, and hunting down information. These activities suck up our time, break our focus, and lead to burnout. According to Asana’s research, a whopping 60% of our work time is spent on ‘work-about-work’ instead of real work. Crazy, right?

The Problem

Standup meetings are a prime example of ‘work-about-work’. We’ve identified four main issues:

  1. Coordination Chaos: Syncing meeting times across distributed teams, especially with different time zones, is a nightmare.

  2. Inefficiency: Standup meetings often involve listening to updates that aren’t relevant to everyone, leading to wasted time.

  3. Underutilized Insights: Valuable insights shared during meetings often fade away without proper follow-ups.

  4. Tool Overload: Juggling multiple tools makes it hard to keep track of everything accurately.

Plus, treating standup meetings and task management as separate activities just adds to the chaos, e.g. more ‘work-about-work’!

Aiden’s Solution

Aiden is here to save the day! We’re automating and streamlining standup meetings, seamlessly integrating with the tools your team already uses, and providing AI-driven task management. When we tested Aiden with our team, we saw a 60% reduction in meeting time and way more efficient task management. Here’s how Aiden work:

🚀 Async Standup Meetings
  • Timezone-Based Groups: Perfect for globally distributed teams, creating standup groups based on timezones ensures a smoother experience.

  • AI-Powered Note Drafting: Aiden drafts standup notes based on your progress, pulling info from tools like GitHub (with JIRA, Notion, Google Docs, and Email support coming soon).

  • Clear Summaries: Get concise, to-the-point team standup notes.

  • Sentiment Analysis: Keep a pulse on daily employee sentiment.

📋 Task Management
  • Automated Task Creation: Aiden turns standup notes into tasks automatically.

  • Automated Task Tracking: Tasks are marked as complete based on your updates, making task management a breeze.

  • Intuitive User Interface: A user-friendly interface that makes managing tasks super easy.

🤖 Agentic Workflows
  • Tool Integration with AI Agent: With GitHub access, Aiden can visit GitHub pages, understand your team’s activities, and distill valuable insights.

  • Interactive AI Chat: Aiden can quickly answer work-related questions in direct messages and group chats.

  • Upcoming Features: Look out for long-term memory to retain organizational knowledge and fine-grained access control.

Join Us

Join us in shaping the future of team collaboration and reducing ‘work-about-work’ with Aiden! Click here to try Aiden v0.0.2 for free and see how Aiden can transform your workflow.

We’d love to hear your thoughts and feedback! You can reach us directly via Discord and Email.

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